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25 Small Ways to Incorporate Random Acts of Kindness into Your Daily Life

Posted 17 Feb 2019

It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and to forget about the small things such as those small acts of kindness that bring a smile to someone’s dial.

However, think about it. How wonderful is it to be on the receiving end of a random act of kindness?

As well as making people feel good, kindness has been proven to be good for your physical and mental health, as well as the greater community! In fact, it can ease your stress levels, help you to live longer, improve your relationships AND build positive and engaged communities.

To inspire you, here are 25 small ways you can incorporate random acts of kindness into your daily life:

  1. Plant a tree
  2. Pay for someone’s coffee
  3. Be polite to other road users
  4. Donate old blankets or towels to an animal shelter
  5. Make someone a handmade card or write someone a handwritten letter
  6. Be nice to the person who serves you
  7. Take the time to listen to someone
  8. Offer to run errands for a friend
  9. Volunteer your time for a good cause
  10. Prepare a meal for a loved one
  11. Put someone’s trolley back for them
  12. Adopt don’t shop
  13. Reuse and recycle
  14. Hold the door open for someone
  15. Give a stranger a compliment
  16. Pick up rubbish from the park or street
  17. Offer to walk a neighbour’s dog for them
  18. Wash someone’s car for them
  19. Make someone breakfast in bed
  20. Stop to talk to an elderly person
  21. Give up your seat on the bus or train to another person
  22. Reconnect with old friends
  23. Show yourself some kindness!
  24. Pay for someone’s groceries
  25. Give someone one of our Random Acts of Kindness Cards!

And remember, kindness is free (and contagious) so pass it on!

“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”

Desmond Tutu