Supporters & Funders
The Act Belong Commit campaign gratefully operates through the support of a range of funders and partners, all working together to create a more mentally healthy WA.

Curtin University is a major supporter of the Act Belong Commit campaign, providing critical infrastructure to ensure effective delivery of the campaign since its inception.
Act Belong Commit was born from research at Curtin University. Located within the School of Population Health, Mentally Healthy WA ensures a continuing and expanding research base for mental health and wellbeing promotion and strong foundations for the Act Belong Commit campaign. The Mentally Healthy WA team is based at Curtin University’s Bentley campus.

Healthway is a long standing, co-founder of the Act Belong Commit campaign, having first commissioned the Mental Health Promotion Scoping Project in 2002 that informed the development of the initial Act Belong Commit campaign. Healthway has continued to be a major funder of the campaign since the pilot phase in 2005-07.
Through its Healthy Partnerships Program, Healthway also funds organisations to promote Act Belong Commit message in a variety of community settings such as sports and arts.

The Western Australian Mental Health Commission is a major funding partner of the Act Belong Commit campaign and has been since the beginning of the state-wide expansion in 2008.

The Stan Perron Charitable Foundation is a key funder of the Mentally Healthy Schools Program, since 2019. This Program provides a framework to embed Act Belong Commit within the classroom, school environment and broader school community to protect and improve the mental health and wellbeing of students, staff and wider school community.
How you can support Act Belong Commit
Did you know organisations, groups and individuals can also help to raise money and awareness for Act Belong Commit? Please consider Act Belong Commit for your next fundraising initiative and support the campaign delivering this vital message.
If you have any questions, please give the Act Belong Commit team a call on (08) 9266 1705.