Brookton Community Resource Centre
Brookton CRC provides local access to a range of services otherwise not available to smaller regional communities eg: Centrelink, Dept of Transport, Westlink Interactive Satellite Network, Training Organisations and Visitor Information Services.
About this activity...
Brookton CRC provides local access to a range of services otherwise not available to smaller regional communities eg: Centrelink, Dept of Transport, Westlink Interactive Satellite Network, Training Organisations and Visitor Information Services.
All Community Resource Centres across WA form part of the WA Community Resource Network, which is supported by the Department of Regional Development. Funding via the State Government's Royalties for Regions program allows our CRC's to provide greater access to government services, as well as providing for training and capacity building activities.
A: 89 Robinson Road BROOKTON WA 6306
Activity type: Support Groups - Technology