Wanneroo Repertory
The Wanneroo Repertory produces a variety of entertainment from children's plays, comedy, farce, drama and musical productions.
About this activity...
The Wanneroo Repertory produces a variety of entertainment from children's plays, comedy, farce, drama and musical productions. Members are aged from 5 to 92!
The Limelight Theatre is situated in Civic Drive, in the heart of the Wanneroo townsite. It is managed and operated by Wanneroo Repertory Inc., a not-for-profit organisation.
Each year, the Repertory present 6 major production seasons. These are very well attended and often sell out soon after opening. Our patrons are not only drawn from the Cities of Wanneroo and Joondalup, but also include avid theatregoers from as far away as south of the river.
Activity type: Theatre & Cinema