Our Newsroom contains Act Belong Commit updates, inspiring stories and the latest evidence-based research on the many ways you can keep mentally healthy.
Active August – 31 day calendar now available!
Posted 27 Jul 2022

2022’s Active August calendar was launched today on our social media platforms and is full of evidence-informed tips and activities that can benefit mental health and wellbeing.
Act Belong Commit promotes many ways to keep active -mentally, physically, socially, spiritually, culturally….
Check out the Active August calendar to get inspired by the 31 daily tips and find things suitable to you. We also have a version for children and families which we promote through the Mentally Healthy Schools program.
Some of the featured activities you may already do, but why not try something new this month to support and improve your mental health and wellbeing. Click here to learn more of the benefits of being active.
Act Belong Commit’s Facebook page will be used for regular posts and the full suite of 31 tips across August will be promoted daily on Instagram.
If you need further inspiration to keep active or you want to find something in your local area, check out our recently revamped Activity Finder.
Want to get involved?
We invite you to print off the Active August calendar and place it somewhere sure to catch the eyes of others.
Or if your organisation has a Facebook page and would like to promote Active August you can simply share our posts to your page. Be sure to follow our daily posts on Instagram and then share to your organisations’ story so your members and followers can see the daily tip.
Act Belong Commit Partners and Mentally Healthy Schools have been provided information, resources and links to everything they need to get involved and promote Active August. Interested in joining in and becoming a champion of Act Belong Commit from within your organisation? Learn about becoming a partner here.