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Celebrating 10 years since the State-wide Launch of Act-Belong-Commit
Posted 3 Jun 2018

On 31 May 2018 the team from Act-Belong-Commit, politicians, sponsors, supporters, partners, community groups and friends celebrated the premiere of the new Act-Belong-Commit TV advertising campaign, as well as the 10-year anniversary of the campaign’s state-wide launch.
With over 60 people in attendance, the night commenced with some smooth jazz tunes courtesy of the Western Australian Youth Jazz Orchestra set to the backdrop of the Centre for Aboriginal Studies at Curtin University.
Michelle Cowan, Act-Belong-Commit Ambassador, sportswoman and MC for the night, introduced us to Olman Walley, who welcomed all to country. Alanna Therese Clohesy MLC BSoc.Sci (Social Policy) (Hons), Parliamentary Secretary to the Deputy Premier; Health; Mental Health, then opened proceedings and launched the new TV advertisements for the Act-Belong-Commit mental health campaign – both of which were met with a round of applause.
In recognition of 10+ years of partnership with Act-Belong-Commit throughout Western Australia via innovative and inclusive programs to promote mental health awareness, awards were presented to the following organisations: City of Rockingham, WACHS Goldfields, WACHS Pilbara Population Health, City of Mandurah, City of Gosnells, WACHS Great Southern, City of Wanneroo and WACHS Wheatbelt.
Amberlee Nicholas, Campaign Manager, and Professor Rob Donovan, Campaign Founder, closed the night by providing an overview of the last 10 years of the campaign and a summary of the impact it has had throughout Western Australia – and the world – on promoting mental health awareness.
Results of a 2017 evaluation show that in just a year approximately 200,000 more Western Australians became aware of the Act-Belong-Commit campaign (up from approximately 1.9 million people in 2016). This figure has more than doubled since the campaign began ten years ago, and demonstrates that that the mental health promotion campaign continues to motivate people to take charge and actively do things to improve their mental health.
Thank you to all who attended the evening. The team from Act-Belong-Commit look forward to many more years of working with communities locally, nationally and internationally, to enhance mental health by creating supportive environments that strengthen individual and community resilience.
Photos from the event can be accessed via our Facebook page here.
The following partners were recognised for 10+ years of partnering with Act-Belong-Commit:
City of Mandurah
The City of Mandurah has effectively integrated the Act-Belong-Commit message into a number of council initiatives covering arts, culture, sport and recreation.
Since the partnership was established, over 100 community events have been branded with the mentally healthy message, with a major feature being the City of Mandurah’s flagship arts event, the Stretch Festival sponsored by Healthway, which has been running since 2011, attracting approximately 16,000 people each year as well as engaging local volunteers. Another significant initiative is the bike valet program, encouraging community members to cycle to community events instead of driving.
City of Rockingham
The City of Rockingham was the first local government to partner with Act-Belong-Commit in 2008, and has shown a dedication to developing innovative community programs that get people thinking about their mental health and what they can do to stay mentally healthy.
With support from Healthway, their Act-Belong-Commit PhotoVoice competition and exhibition has been a fixture in their annual calendar of events. Impressively, PhotoVoice has received over 3000 entries from members of the public.
Additionally, the City of Rockingham was instrumental in setting up a walking group for parents, has supported numerous local partners, and coordinates an annual Breakthrough Music Competition and School Take pART urban art competition.
WACHS Wheatbelt Public Health Unit
WACHS Wheatbelt Public Health Unit have worked tirelessly across the region since 2005, encouraging people to get involved in groups and activities, providing a sense of belonging and connection to community.
The team has worked in partnership with a number of organisations to deliver events and activities including Welcome to Town for new residents, Turn Up in Blue for Mental Health Week, and more recently an online photography competition.
Partners over the years have included the Northam Over 60’s group, local shires, Men’s Sheds, health services and community resource centres.
WACHS Pilbara Population Health
WACHS Pilbara Population Health has partnered with Act-Belong-Commit since the pilot phase in 2005, showing a commitment to developing strong and resilient families and young people.
One of the highlights has been the Annual Perinatal Depression and Anxiety Awareness Pram Walk and Pamper Morning Tea Events, providing individual support and education to local parents. The SLAM youth diversion basketball program has been particularly successful, helping to increase the participation levels of local children and youth, building stronger social and support networks between participants and local service providers.
City of Gosnells
The City of Gosnells joined the Act-Belong-Commit campaign in 2008 and has shown a commitment to enriching the lives of its residents by encouraging them to act, belong and commit.
The Eco Adventure program has been key in getting residents out of their comfort zones, exploring new activities such as canoeing, fishing, wakeboarding, stargazing, hiking and stand up paddle boarding. Additionally, the City has four walking groups with over 200 registered members, supports a book club, the local Parkrun, the local bike group and a lifeball program for elderly residents.
WACHS Goldfields
WACHS Goldfields has collaborated with Act-Belong-Commit since 2005, with Esperance being one of the pilot sites. Since then, the team has worked in partnership with a number of local services to ensure a wide variety of meaningful activities were on offer for the community.
Since Act-Belong-Commit was launched state-wide in 2008, the team has promoted mental health awareness to over 100 community events and activities in the region including Mental Health Week, Postnatal Depression Awareness Week, Youth Week and the Parkrun in Kalgoorlie. Additionally, the health promotion team has been instrumental in supporting local partnerships with Bay of Isles Community Outreach and Healthway sponsored-organisations such as Esperance Community Arts.
City of Wanneroo
The City of Wanneroo has effectively integrated the Act-Belong-Commit ethos into many areas of community life since 2008 with a focus on bringing people together and creating a sense of unity and belonging in the community.
The City of Wanneroo hosts a variety of community events and activities throughout the year including festivals and gatherings for both NAIDOC and Reconcilliation Week, as well as the Global Beats and Eats festival and Wanneroo Presents concerts, both of which are attended by thousands.
The City of Wanneroo uses the Act-Belong-Commit message in their Pit Stop Health checks to get residents thinking about their mental health, which are delivered at numerous community events throughout the year. Additionally, the message has been used through the local Volunteer Resource Centre, as well as through youth programs and the local indoor sports arena.
WACHS Great Southern
Albany was one of the original pilot sites for the campaign, playing a key role in establishing long-standing partnerships with local organisations such as the Men’s Resource Centre, the Denmark Dragon Boat Club and the Depression Support Network Albany.
Now encompassing the entire Great Southern region, activities include the Albany Relay for Life, perinatal mental health initiatives, delivering mental health presentations to workplaces and carer groups, and supporting local organisations to host Mental Health Week events. Staff also provide local support for the Act-Belong-Commit Mentally Healthy Schools Program.